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Monday, September 19, 2011

Jacked up on Espresso

Haven't posted in a while...and since I have had 3 shots of espresso this morning, I'd thought now was a good a time as any to muse overs some exciting projects/ideas/pipe dreams I have.....

Soon I will be playing around with a new toy...a little older Canon Rebel XTI-I am not conceited or stroking my own ego (ok, maybe a little) when I say I take fabulous photos...with my simple point and shoot and my crappy Blackberry....with this new acquisition I hope to explore and find a new talent within myself and make something of it...if even for just shits and giggles. That being said  I will occasionally post photos and want feedback on the quality to better know my area of expertise...people vs animals etc.

I also have a few new stories I am going to post tomorrow...also want feedback...trying to gear up for NaNoWriMo....its a daunting task, but I welcome it !  Keep checking in with me....

My husband and I had this brainstorm (stemming from marathons of Restaurant Impossible and Bar Rescue) for a creative name for a if only we had enough savings to actually open one....

I have this never ending mommy list I am working on:
school for Max
costumes for Halloween
trip to Schulenburg
But at the top is what made my day today-I bought our tickets for King Tut exhibit at I just have to let the folks know they get Max for the afternoon...

Back to the ole grind I go....Hi-ho Hi-ho off to hell I go......


Rambling Ovaries