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Monday, January 30, 2012

Love sick melody getting the best of me...

Ok-after rocking out to a little Paramoure and some Depeche....I apologize for the not so earlier-more recent rant...I'm not bipolar, or manic or crazy or afflicted with multiple personalities....

No, I'm just a sad bag of stretch marks who cannot let go of the past or accept the fact that I fuck a lot up and am my own worst enemy....

so here's some food for thought..or thought for food....dependent on your perception...which is really what that post and this and every other friggin one I do is about...perception, and how mine is usually ALWAYS wrong, warped and depraved ....but still my own...

So nibble on this for a while:

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.
Arnold Bennett
I pray to God and hold faith....that the something better that's coming along is me....and stock up on tons of Preparation-H to take care of that discomfort Mr Bennett is talking about....
I apologize for earlier...what more can I truly say other than I'm a wounded puppy dog who feels kicked and needs to lick its haunches before it can go fetch that tennis ball....
I have a tendency to say things I almost never mean...Except when I say I love you which I rarely ever do, but always mean. Does that make any sense to you? Because it does in my head...but that seems to be the source of my problem...the tendency for my head and mouth..or hands not to be connected so that message is lost in translation...
So for those of you who will bother to read this....I challenge you today to post one thing that I need to change about myself, that you dislike about myself....that you despise....
And feel free to call me a douche, bitch, freaky troll...just note that Hobbitt, Chewbaca and Mommacat are taken already.
And if you find you have a long ass list...well post that too....I want to see how many of you give a shit enough to do this exercise...and how delusional I may be in thinking anyone cares if I make changes within myself....
Until later...I will be watching and waiting...with a cup of coffee instead of the stapler....

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