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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dazed and confused...until I found clarity

Today we woke up to the foggy overcast smog filled skies of Houston and I rolled over and didn't want to get back out of bed...can you blame me? That description alone of the weather is enough to have an adverse effect on anyone mildly melancholy....and while I am not much, I do feel the desire pulling me back under the covers because it feels like a gray lazy Sunday and not a Saturday....

But alas, I have too much shit to do today and cannot let something like that have any bearing on the endless to do list I have stuffed in my it is with this mindset, and a little mantra a la the Little Engine, that I usher my kiddos out the door at 7:30am, bright eyed and bushy tailed, on the road yet again to Waller...I feel like I need to make that my theme song because it seems like I spend half my life in the car as do my children...and I know I read some study somewhere that this exponentially multiplies dependent on the number of household members and activities...suffice to say that 2 children and the lack of committal from my daughter to just about anything gives me hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel....

But how many of us spend our lives like this? I mean if I had to add up the weekends I didn't have to drive, travel (code for I make my husband drive) or show up somewhere at the crack of dawn, puffy eyed, caffeine jolted, I could use one hand...and that's while giving the middle finger at the 18 wheeler who cut me off 290 too.....

How does this allow me the time, the dedication to improve upon myself as well as work on my writing, my pursuits, my hair...a pedicure or finishing the US Weekly I am not ashamed to say I purchased when the kids weren't looking at CVS because who doesn't need a good trash mag to escape reality???

So-I am protesting from here on out giving up my Saturdays to ass numbing rides in the wagon to far off places, frantic trips poorly planned when you realize you have 3 diapers and no Walmart or Target in site, whining kids who pay attention to the electronic distractions or noses buried in books versus hanging out the window like a Golden Lab, soaking in the wind in their face and the landscape passing them by.....of course realize I mean this in the metaphorical sense of missed opportunities and hope CPS doesn't read this and think I let my kids hang out car windows...

I steal a quotation from one of the most inspiring movies in my household....Pixar's Cars, and it goes something like this..."Cars didn't drive on it to make great time...they drove on it to have a great time." Well shit, all those cars are filled with people, and those people are rushing , rushing, rushing and missing out on some many other things... how many Ernest Hemingways or John Lennon's are wasting any free time they could be creating or exploring life when they have their brows furrowed on another level of Zelda or trying to watch for Exit 97A?

So I have made a pact with myself to leave my Saturday mornings free to mornings walks, sitting on the patio with a smoothie, sock puppets and of course, streams of new ideas I vow to finally put to paper...which will hopefully take fruition here in the near future...

I bid you adieu and tell you to check out a friend of mine, one of the original classmates from lectures with the awe inspiring Joe, and see what he's managing to accomplish with all that extra time NOT sitting on his keester driving somewhere...   Talk about a person whose height and substance of literary work I aspire to achieve...and I ain't just saying that because he likes my writing too....just check it out and see for yourself.....

Back to my muggy Saturday/Sunday and here's to hoping the sun starts peeking out soon....

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