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Monday, January 23, 2012

Taking a cue from the Bangles this morning

It's 5:45 am and I sit here in a completely SILENT house and I am silently running through all the things I HAVE to do today and then start daydreaming about all the things I WANT to do any of you ever have that feeling that we buy too much into the whole frazzled Monday where everything won't go our way? That this is the day its all piled on?
Everyone stop and if you managed to make it through the weekend to this wonderful soon-to-be manic Monday give yourself a pat on the back....hopefully your weekend was spent doing something awfully productive like saving abandoned kittens from trees, feeding orphans or finding cures for cancer....wait..who am I kidding? It's difficult enough just trying to balance and finish the things we already have on our plate without attempting to save the whole planet...and who gave us that damn big a serving any way?

oh-that's right....ourselves...sometimes our own worse enemies...sabotaging our success before we even start the race. Or picking some winding, mountainous trek through the Himalayas as our "beginner" level track as if this is some speed racer game in an arcade, when let's face it, some of our lives more resemble a  poorly scripted version of Grand Theft Auto minus the pimps, ho's, and emphasis on ethnicity (or the pimps and ho's are our kids or neighbors...its a complicated world man) how do we try and make the things we wish to achieve more manageable without straying from the whole hearted wholesome goodness of being unselfish in our actions (christ...this is starting to sound like a PSA announcement or ad for LDS...) and still keepin' it real?? (that's that Grand Theft Auto for ya')

Start small and dream big....every baby step is progress and leads to great's not like Neil Armstrong came haulin' ass out onto the moon, taking gigantic leaps...shit, he even said "one small step for man, one giant step for mankind"..course, don't over analyze the fact that this is grammatically incorrect because man and mankind mean the same friggin thing...but I think you see the gist of what I am saying....

I can sound completely righteous and indignant and remind you saving the planet starts with things like recycling (does my grandmother saving every empty butter container for Tupperware count? because when she died we ended up with the largest collection since someone on Hoarders..), carpooling, energy conservation, anything and everything in reducing our carbon footprint before we start picking things off the Nobel or humanitarian list...but what am I saying...Nobel's are handed out like Skittles nowadays, and what constitutes a humanitarian list of good deeds? I don't think saving kittens from trees or feeding orphans is high on that list...unless you're Angelina Jolie and can just adopt them and the kittens...

no, realistically things like that for some of us is making sure the orphans of this country aren't running around stuffing those kittens in the trees to begin with because they were burned with cigarettes or called stupid one too many times...its things like the 300 lb sixth grader diagnosed with diabetes...or the crazy mom who drowned her kids when she should have just been sterilized from the beginning...or had the guts to tell her husband no more.....or the signs advertising your very own neighborhood landfill because we are running out of space everywhere else...ok, so maybe that one thing on the list can go back to the baby steps of recycling and all that jazz, but where do we start on the rest?

Start this manic Monday by making it not so manic, and picking one thing you can follow through on without setting yourself up for failure that will improve our quality of life, those around you or just you if you're that goddamn selfish and make it count! Whether its vowing to kill that one miserable asshole at work with kindness (cuz remember...if they're were assholes Friday they'll be assholes Monday)....or starting a recycling bin at work...or if there is already one, remembering its for RECYCLING and not just anything you don't feel is worth lifting the lid of the trash can....reuse your paper clips or keep the ones that recirculate at work and hoard them rather then reorder....walk to a nearby place for might run into a kitten that needs saving and then you will have taken 2 big baby steps..

Or for those of you slackers without jobs...try volunteering somewhere...or going through your closet and donating anything you haven't worn in 6 months to charity...or a family or person who doesn't get paid enough to constantly order shit off Ebay, Etsy or run to the nearest mall...

Fuck, let's all try and do something productive today for the benefit of someone other than ourselves...that's all I am aiming for...set the bar low and its easier to accomplish it I always say....

My goal's to do something good today...I won't specify what on the freak off chance I run into Angelina Jolie and get invited to help aid in any of her causes which will elevate my status form wannabe tree hugger mamma to full blown philanthropist....but on the off chance it doesn't happen I am going to keep my options open so I don't create disappointment in myself or you...

And for those of you who give a shit...I made in through the full 21 days, feel better than ever, and am going to continue for another 21....just to see what noon today I will be posting a discussion on my flirtation and subsequent body numbing fear of eating meat...comments are appreciated...

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