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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

ok-so  I know I said I would blog everyday, but I couldn't wait since my last one because I wanted to share 3 things I am currently OVER the top obsessed with at the moment....(so truth be told I stole this line from Andy Cohen minus the snazzy suit, effeminate pitched voice, and drunk bimbette guests and Giggy, but hell, it fits) so here it goes:


Hands down the most awesome and informational tool for the vegan lifestyle I have embraced or as   Silverstone says, flirted with, this site is not just for animal activists, but has some friggin kick ass recipes for anyone wanting a healthier look at life. Check it out-I dare you at


Second part to my plan to brainwash everyone I know into becoming vegan or at least healthier....eye opening movie a friend suggested called worth staying awake for.


So this is a little long winded, but my Shark is a HUGE Taylor Swift fan and only really became one by association of the Jonas Brothers...anyway, she got this surprise trip to DisneyWorld with one of her grandmas which I had actually known about for months so I snuck around with stealth preparing and packing...I even went so far as to load her IPod with a crap load of LEGALLY (and overly expensive) downloaded Swift tunes....because my laptops a Mac and hers isn't, its easier to just download everything on mine, and use it to transfer her music ....well when I went to download some of my newly downloaded jam, I ended up with the softly cooing voice of a 16 year old musical pop phenomena. And thus we come full circle with this whole diarrhea episode which is that I ended up with a song she sang for the upcoming "Hunger Games" soundtrack...and was left asking my self, what is this about? Well I Wiki'd it and found out its this addictive trilogy of novels set in a post-Apocalyptic America where different districts send youth between the ages of 12-18 to battle in a death-one-left-standing televised event...Think a cross between the Olympics and Madd Maxx at the Thunder Dome or Blade Runner or Logan's Run...Anyway, I digress with the B rated movie comparisons....the point is these books have far more sustenance then the mindless dribble that catapulted Stephanie Meyers to fame and fortune. So I am imploring you all to give up the holey and stained Team Edward shirt and download this to your Kindle, IPhone or God forbid people still do this, set foot in your library and read these...

1 comment:

  1. Wendy's obsessed with HG, she got me to read them. Just finished up 3rd! Very cool!
