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Friday, January 27, 2012

Working at the car wash....waiting on Gandhi or Buddha

HELLO world!! We made it we made it we made it! Hallelujah, it's Friday.   For those of you finishing your week off like me, you're probably not running on all 6 cylinders and coasting on fumes....or the car has caught fire and is stranded off the busiest section of 610, waiting for the wrecker who has yet to come....

All we need is the golden hour of 5 pm and we are in recharge, repair, re-wash mode....two whole days to unwind and de-stress....and just kickback with a big middle finger at the rest of the world because those two precious days, those holy 48 hours are YOURS and you are going to do whatever you want with them.....or will you?

For some of us, the weekend is none of the above...because we are still burdened (or graced if you look at in a positive way) with all the same responsibilities of work minus the assholes we report to and sign our, now its the little people whose crusts we cut off PB&J's and the laundry pile beckoning you, and the spring cleaning that never got done in the seems like there is  never a moment to breath, a moment to just be.....its on the move, on the move, on the move.....How is it I know a hundred mom's who literally run themselves into the ground with all the errands, chores and child rearing with the peppering of a few soccer games, ballet classes and the really good ones going to church....and yet, we don't lose one iota of a pound, and we still look just as ragged and hagged as ever? 

And don't assume I am being discriminating against men..I am an equal opportunity offender.....I see the dads too with their balding shine and drooping gut....I've got one of my very own...and let me tell you-crow's feet on men is way worse than women...FYI, it's botox...and you men ought to check it out too...that or scoop up some Oil of Olay night cream....

Why am I back on musing or mildly ranting about the hustle and bustle of crazy life yet again you ask? Well, because yesterday I took a coupon this outfit called My Fit Foods dropped off at our business to try and decided to check them out....Let me start by saying I work with a crap load of women and every one is on a diet of some kind from the HCG drops (which are could very well be diluted goat urine for all they know), illegal ephedrine, Health-E Trim, Weight Watchers...hell, I think we have a puker and starver or two....and then those whose diet plan involves eating anything and everything that's within reach.....Don't get me wrong...I don't judge...too much....because I used to be one of those women a few short months ago....along with a 9 weeks of grueling boot camp and still no Instamatic results we want.....

Any way-back to the topic at hand....this food service place brought a shit load of coupons and there were a handful of us women who chose to keep them because we would actually use them...that was over 2 weeks ago and I finally had the time and the lack of a packed nutritious lunch as an excuse to venture over.....

I stepped in through the door and went maybe a total of 2 feet before I was met by Aida....even her name implies she will be unique and leave a lasting didn't help either that she was maybe all of 18 or 19, and still had that fresh morning dew look about her....the kind that really irritates the shit out me where she has no makeup on,  doesn't need it to look passable as human, nothing at all but a smile and some lip gloss and looks like she stepped out of Vogue....She glowed, she radiated healthy energy vibes, and the girl walked as if she had all the time in the world....and not the annoying slow ass, you look for a manager to get them fired she just seemed peaceful....I looked around and realize there was a whole business full of peaceful employees....

I managed to purchase a vegan lunch with some snacks and get a second free.....and huge dose of conversation about my venture into the lifestyle....I got 20 questions from her, and I stood awkwardly remembering myself at that age....and cringing because I may have been a size 1 and minus the gray and white hair....but I still had the car on E, trying to zoom around to all the destinations I had on my list....never stopping to refuel, to take a moment to care for even start looking for where inner peace can be found...fuck, to be young again and do it all over! what I wouldn't give....maybe what's left of my soul? nah...but it was a reminder of the age and life that has worn me down...and I left there vowing to delve further into my search for inner peace.....maybe it will turn out to be the fountain of youth....

Well I am here to tell you....if peace cannot be found by way of kung fu, My Fit Foods is a hell of an alternative...and not ever lasting inner peace, but the kind that rubbed off enough that when I got back to work and consumed my Macho Tacos I felt calmer than I had when I woke that morning...and it carried over right until my head hit the sack last night.....

And I woke up to a DRY bed!!! Yay for me...and for Max for having good bladder control...but seriously, what a little kick in my ass to get me going....I guess I am trying to say that you can find peace, motivation in every walk of can find that little umph you need to get your ass out of the house or just a little extra pep in your step....even from lame ass places like a health food delivery service....either this is true or I'm the really lame one, and my life is in that dire need of a pick me up, I try and look in the oddest of place to find it....or I am in the dire need of some blogging material besides the highs and lows of my chaotic life...

Either way.....where do you find inner peace? What is it for you this weekend that will refill that tank, that will recharge that battery? ok-I'm gonna stop there with the lame half ass attempts at analogies or metaphors or whatever the fuck I was doing with the countless car's getting annoying even to me....and I am egocentric enough to read my own blog....

Any way-start today out looking for that inner peace thing....check back in with me and let me know how well that goes for you....I'm curious where all of you find it....

I bid you adieu....until tomorrow morning and for those of you hungover from tonight, then afternoon...

5 o'clock here I come...but a shower first....

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